About Spirit Fire Art and Stacey Littledeer

Stacey Littledeer is a Native American Artist, a member of the Southeastern Cherokee Nation and has ancestry in the Mattaponi Nation. As an artist with no schooling or formal training, Stacey Littledeer owner of Spirt Fire Art has worked for years developing her style that is uniquely her own. Using pastelle and watercolors, Stacey has developed a unique vision that she shares through “Spirit Paintings”.
An internationally recognized artist, Stacey hopes to invoke her presence of spiritual empowerment and gratitude into each of her paintings. Stacey has taught the energy of intention and wellness, and believes that a connection through art is a connection through spirit.
Many of Stacey’s pieces are part of an ongoing series entitled
“Women In Prayer” which started many years ago.
Stacey has displayed her work in numerous powwows and juried shows throughout the eastern U.S. such as The Handmade Art Show at Lincoln Center (NYC) , Morristown Craft Market (NJ) and Indian Market in Santa Fe (NM)
Thank you so much to EMN - Enlightenment Media News for the wonderful article about our art. check it out here.